As an AI solution provider, AIWin Technology helps customers create a positive cycle of AI, offers customers with an integrated AI SaaS platform solution (Winhub.AI – Fusion AI SaaS Solutions) containing computer vision, data analysis (AutoML), expert system and traditional algorithm. Customers can quickly complete development and deployment of AI landing through the one-stop platform. Hardware and software integration has been completed for areas such as semiconductors, smart water and NDT. It is ready to use and landing right out of the box. Partners of IWin Technology include software integrator, system integrator, automation integrator and AOI equipment supplier.
AIWin Technology aims to become a global AI solution leading brand. Its mission is to offer full AI implementation service to resolve the pain points for the customer. Its idea is to keep working on actual landing of innovative AI technology and putting innovative AI technology into practice.
Based on its mission, ideas and years of landing and practice in various domains, we have numerous successful landing cases. We know well the customer’s pain points for AI implementation based on our experience. We offer a flexible project or subscription-style service model to resolve these problems. We help customers lower the bar for AI implementation and bridge the gap for AI implementation. AIWin Technology will be your great smart partner. Be your iPartner!