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AIWin|AI Solution Provider

-AIWin Technology is an AI company that specializes in image recognition technology and patents. We have successfully imported our AI technology into the automated optical inspection (AOI) and industrial safety recognition system for various industries, such as the golf, textile and semiconductor. The multidimensional AI solutions of smart factory are provided to assist our customers establishing an "AI virtual cycle". Our one-stop services cover data collection, cleaning, labeling, AI training, and integration for software and hardware. In order to create the highest quality and production efficiency for our clients, we constantly update and implement our latest image recognition algorithms.

【數位轉型 台灣最行 面對含金量不高的傳產市場 AI影像辨識新創慧穩如何抓住商機?】

-科技業對於自動光學檢測(AOI)的導入已行之有年,近年與再度興起的AI融合成為創新應用,但對傳統製造業來說,卻完全是個新技術。《數位轉型 台灣最行》應用篇第十集持續聚焦AI影像辨識技術,由DIGITIMES邀請到專注在AI影像辨識技術的慧穩科技總經理林耿呈來談談如何協助傳統製造業導入AI,改善過去「人工」智慧的目測手法,提升產品品質。

【打造AI團隊,解決品質與設備保養難題-Power of X 科技講堂】


New ventures are indispensable for market entry experience, manpower and capital

-FTV News

2019 AMTS Advanced Manufacturing Technology Show
